Monday, May 01, 2006


Tell Him I Said "Fuck You"

Part II of The WCBH Saturday Saga
By That Girl Tam

Note: The original post was part of Tam's blog which was deleted on 4/26. This post was recovered via Six24 archives and placed here for WCBH use and ease of reference.

You MUST read Part 1 before you read today's post for the full story...

Oh my...where do I begin?? I have to say this first (before I get into part II of the WCBH Saturday Saga), I am blessed to have been in the presence of some of the most phenomenal women I've ever met in my life (P you cool too, but you wasn't there and I already know you). I feel honored to be able to call these ladies my girlfriends because they are the group of ladies I've always dreamed of associating myself with. Hell, I used to be jealous of my mom and HER eclectic group of girlfriends – well NO MORE...cuz now I've got my own!

Dee arrived at my house from San Diego on schedule. While we waited for my sister-in-law-sitter to show up, Ryan must've been diggin on her because my po child straight MOONED her ass! Pulled his pants down and showed his bare white behind! ((rollin my eyes)) I swear I don't know why he does that shit! HAHAHA!

So anyhoo, after meeting the first half of my fabulous ladies at Supa's house, we rolled out in her new ride straight to Lola's. Ok, umm...maybe I've been livin in Long Beach too long (cuz out here we ain’t in no rush), but DAYUM...Jamal gets her ROLL ON!! She was swoopin in her big balla ride!! And the crazy thing is, we all chatted it up like we've been knowin each other our whole lives. And I swear Tia has the cutest little southern accent EVER!! HAHAHAHA…I couldn't stop laughin all night – every time she opened her mouth I would just crack up…her ass is STRAIGHT KUNTRY! HAHAHA! I love it!

So we get to Lola's and although we were running about 15 minutes late (blame it on my sister-in-law), we were still the first to arrive. We pull up and valet like the ballin hotties that we are and proceed to walk to the door. There, we're met by a VERY heteroquestionable (thanks Butta…I'm keeping this one) white boy. He tells Jamal that it's "Reservations only" – and THAT'S when the fun began! She explained the man that she called the night before to place a reservation for a large group. The woman she spoke with Friday night told her that we didn't need reservations and to just "show up" – which is what we did. (Now keep in mind we're expecting about a dozen or so people – and everyone knows we're meeting at Lola's.) Jamal asked dude how come someone would tell her not to make a reservation if it's reservations ONLY? He had no answer and said that either way, there was nothing he could do because they were booked solid all night.

Calm-under-pressure, Jamal asked him to get the manager. The manager comes out and was clearly not interested in anything she had to say. He was quite clear that there was no room and there was nothing he could do about it (and clearly nothing he was GOING to do about it). He turned around and walked back into the restaurant. *GASP* "Oh no he didn’t just turn his back and walk away…" Oh, YES the hell he did. So now she's pissed and we've got to come up with PLAN B! I know I'm certainly not in my element because the only thing I know in that neighborhood was The Grove and considering that we were looking all hot n'shit, who the hell wants to go to The Grove?? During the commotion, Nisa pulls up and so does Renee (Tia's cousin). We start filling them in while we try to figure out what the hell to do.

Then I notice this half-way handicapped guy (that's what I called him) hobbling out of the restaurant with a cane. White guy in his late 40s to early 50s...I'm thinking he kinda digs on sistas (that or Jamal is just a white boy magnet – more on that during Tia's recount of events). He walks up to her and I THINK he metioned how beautiful she was – and she's like yeah – so what's your point? HAHAHA...he tells her that his ex-girlfriend is the owner of said establishment and that he was just with a group of people who were still inside. So I asked if he was willing to tell the manager to seat us with his group and he said yes... Jamal then asks a very impatient looking door boy (yes, I called him a door boy) if he could go in one more time to get the manager. He seemed unwilling because he claimed that the manager would be pissed and then get pissed at him. Ummm..I'm sorry, I coulda SWORE that our money was green – oh he goes back in. Shortly thereafter he comes back out and does the unbelievable...he hands Jamal a book of matches (that had the restaurant's info on it) and says, "He told me to tell you that he has a restaurant to run. Sorry..." WTF???? 'The hell that mutha fucka say??? She (as we all were) was stunned. She looks him dead in the eye and says, "You tell him that I said FUCK YOU!"

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I swear that shit was PRICELESS!!! She handled herself like a PRO! She didn't get upset, she didn't get loud and she SHO didn't get all BLACK! (as I'm sure they were expecting) HAHAHAHA! Now trip...while we were all standing there (while Nisa worked on Plan B), we saw all these people strolling into the restaurant (and there CLEARLY was room for us because of all the empty tables we saw). Yeah...I think it was "WE DON’T SERVE BLACK PEOPLE" night. Because just as our cars were being pulled up from Valet, two women approached the black, one white and they too were turned away for lack of a reservation. other words, attempting to dine while black was NOT gonna be taking place in THEIR establishment! Nisa had secured us a 9:15 reservation at Cafe de Artized (sp?), but we decided to head over to Hollywood HOT SPOT – Geisha, first. And since I know Nisa ain't gonna mention this, that heffa gets her STRAIGHT ROLL ON too!! She and that damn GREEN HORNET were swoopin in and out of traffic and Jamal (with her crazy drivin self) did a fantabulous job keeping up…must be an L.A. driver thing! I'm thinkin Nisa is gonna be my new best friend...she knows where all the cool spots are!!

This is That Girl Tam reporting for WCBH. For more details on the events at Geisha, I'm tossin it to my girl Miss Ahmad. Take it away girlfriend…

Just browsing the internet. You have a very, very interesting blog.
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